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Stamped day of flexible packaging market development
2018-02-10 11:44:08

Welding on the closure of a flexible lid on the packaging will be able to make both the advantages of packaging and bottles. There are three main forms of this package:

1) Welded at the beveled corner, it is the most popular way in the European market at present. It is convenient for pouring, facilitating filling and shelf display. It is generally used for supplementary packaging of more than 300ml.

2) Welded at the top, more popular in Japan, generally used for small packages below 100ml.

3) Welded on a flat surface, very common in the United States, it is mainly used for industrial packaging with a large capacity (1 gallon to several dozen gallons), and cartons outside.

In accordance with the function to distinguish, with the cover on the Japanese products can be divided into flexible packaging and final packaging. Replenishment refers to: bottle packaging for the use of packaging, with a soft cover affixed as a second or more supplementary content packaging. Final packaging refers to: no other use of packaging, stamped flexible packaging is the ultimate consumer packaging.

For the inland market in our country, the third one is mainly used for industrial products, and the technical and concept updating of industrial enterprises in our country will take some time, so there will be no obvious market development in the short term; however, the first two packaging methods Due to the efforts of several large companies to promote, have good performance in the market, I believe with the domestic bag welding technology, there will be great market potential. Food Hose

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